How to earn $units:

  • Each FID can cast up to 3 times per day in the channel and receive $units rewards
  • Each cast is guaranteed 10,000 $units if liked by a moderator
  • Additional $units are given as a bonus to casts based on performance (likes, recasts, quotes, and replies)
  • Only casters who have qualified for tipping during a season can give performance boosts. So, make lots of frens in the channel and support them!
  • Cast performance bonuses are algorithmically calculated

  • All of the accrued $units per user are stored offchain and airdropped to users at the end of each season (~4 weeks).

    One warning - If an FID is caught submitting someone else’s work without attribution, or spamming the channel, or using bots they will be immediately blacklisted for life. So, don’t do it!

    Tipping $units

  • To qualify, casters must accumulate 3 approved casts (liked and vetted by a mod) in the /justbuild channel at any time during the season.
  • Only $units earned by approved casts within a season are eligible for the allowance calculation.
  • Daily allowances are calculated each day based on 20% of total earned $units accumulated that season.
  • Once qualified you are eligible for tip transmissions each day for the entire season.
  • All earned units reset to zero at the end of each season.
  • There is a grace period of 72 hours past the end of the season, where the last day of earn units balance carries over to enable time for the caster to earn enough liked casts to qualify for the next season.
  • Bonus $units are airdropped to the sender of every 100th $units tip transmission. Bonus is randomized and can be anywhere from 1000, 5,000 or 10,000 $units

  • Additional Information:

  • Each caster and cast is vetted by mods to eliminate bots. If you act like a bot, you’ll be categorized as one.
  • Anyone can transmit earned, bought, or given $units at any time. They're yours, use them however you want.
  • Our whitehat Justbuild-bot will validate all $units tips. Performance varies.

  • We will try our best to stay consistent with rules season to season, but we’re just building and will optimize together with the community.